Photo by Alexander Mils


Aedgar's Voice is written this way.

Neddi's voice is written this way.


We’re here to help.

Okay. There are three questions here from Kendall and they’re related to each other. He asks: ‘How do we navigate without a guide? Does a guide even exist? Are we alone on our path of life or does it just feel this way because we have disconnected?’

Well, it can feel that way -- that there is no connection.

Connection is, in this sense, an appropriate word.

Connection doesn’t mean using a little device, putting some code in to be able to talk to someone else.

This is not what connection means.

At this time, humans are too focused on this so-called connection. They’re using waves, sorts of radiation actually and waves to communicate. That does not mean connection.

You are never alone.

Listening. Photo by Swaraj Tiwari

Listening. Photo by Swaraj Tiwari

Everyone has a guide trying to support them, to find their path. Trying to stay with them within their path and support their attempts – when they’re trying to learn the things they came to learn.


Sometimes, we told you before, a bad, what you call a bad experience, can be quite a quick learning experience. At that moment, you might not feel so good about it. That does not mean your guide’s not there.

So your guide, as you might call it -- some call them God, some call them, soul brother, soul sister, angels even -- spiritual guide, teacher, mentor -- in a higher kind of meaning of these words: they’re always around, always.

Some people have even more than one guide. They’re never far away. If something happens that is this ‘quick learning experience’, or as you might call it, quite bad, it is actually something that you have agreed to do before you came. The thing is, there is so much distraction out there you might not remember.

But yes, you’re never alone.

And yes, it is hard to get this connection because there is so much distraction out there. And you, and your so-called guide, whatever you call that guide, have this connection. It’s always there.

It’s not like, ‘Oh, I plugged this in now, into some holes in the wall, because I need to have a conversation or an exchange with a so-called guide right now…’ That’s not how it works.

The guides are there.

They give you hints about directions. Sometimes a little support, sometimes they just watch you. If you have a quicker experience it doesn’t mean they’re not there. But it’s not like, I need to have conversations all the time. They’re still there. There is too much distraction around so you can’t feel it.

Do you understand?

Yes I think that’s a lovely answer, thank you.

Distraction. Photo by William Iven.

Distraction. Photo by William Iven.

A lot of distraction.

I’m sure that young man will think about that a lot.

So the guide is always there. It’s difficult sometimes to feel because of the distraction.
People have, here, they have trained other senses more than they used to. Like, people just believe what they see or what they hear or both. Or, what they can touch. We mean a different connection -- the spiritual one.

It’s not about touch, it’s not about seeing and it’s not about hearing. It’s a different kind of feeling that has nothing to do with explaining touch. You understand?


For example, if a person can’t see very well, or can’t see at all, they focus more on what they hear and what they can sense around them.

So if it’s necessary to be able to sense things around you, people are able to focus on other things, rather than focusing on seeing, hearing and all these things combined.

So it’s still there. You know, if you are used to doing something very nicely, say, playing a harp, you know? You do it all the time, you get better and better at it. Then you get distracted. You do something else. And it will hurt other people’s ears if you go back to it. At least in the beginning because you’ve lost it. You need to have more exercise, practice, to do it.

Watching nature, for some people doing meditation, (for some people meditation doesn’t work at all) -- can help you to focus on sensing things. Not necessarily for everyone.
It depends how far you have progressed with all the combination of the other things.

You mean in a bad way because the combination of all the other senses forms a distraction?

Well, it is quite useful to use these senses, of course.

I’m trying to tell you, if you were sitting at a fire, you could hear a sabre tooth tiger, you could hear it approaching, you could smell it. And then you could see it. A person who can’t see will hear it earlier and sense, even earlier than that, that it is there. You understand?

I think so. You’re saying is that, we’re using some of our senses at the expense of other senses that humans have.


And so that maybe when we make contact with our guides, initially, that we’re quite clumsy.


But we’re forgiven for being clumsy.


And we shouldn’t be embarrassed.

No. But, as I mentioned before, everybody has a different way of approaching it. You would not be able to say, ‘You go and meditate, all of you! And you’ll have it back, this so-called connection.’

If there is a large group, it might work for a handful of them. It’s not a universal solution.

Meditation -- not for everybody. Photo by Dingzeyu Li.

Meditation -- not for everybody. Photo by Dingzeyu Li.

Some people are able to connect while they sleep, because all these other things are calmed down. They wake up and think, ‘That was a very strange dream’.

And in fact it wasn’t a dream at all.

But a lot of people don’t remember these things, at least not completely.

People get scared if they don’t understand. So, that’s one of the ways that these so-called guides (or whatever you call them) keep open for themselves. They will never show you more than you can handle.

If people have really bad, bad dreams, sometimes it is a hint, like you’ve got an issue there: this is something that you have experienced a long time ago, this is the thing that is holding you back, keeping you away from the path you should be on. You’d better work on it, try to solve this problem.

People think, ‘Oh my god, it was such a bad dream, I’ll never go back there.’
That’s why a lot of people don’t remember. But you are supposed to think about this, to solve the issue that you have because it is holding you back. So some guide might have shown a little bit too much.

So, for example, I had a nightmare that my friend’s leg was amputated in a shocking way. It woke me up out of the dream. And I thought perhaps it was a memory from him having been in warfare in another lifetime. It makes me feel protective of him, or that he needs more support than he really does in this lifetime.

[Sigh] Well my dear, we’re not sure if you’re ready for it.

[Sadly] Oh, okay. It was a warning of something coming?

No. This is something that has happened before. You tend to meet the same people again -- what you call people.

Oh no! Did I chop his leg off?

Oh, how did you know?

Was this in my Genghis Khan army days?

Mongol light cavalryman. Ming Dynasty ink on paper. V&A Museum, London. Photo Wikimedia.

Mongol light cavalryman. Ming Dynasty ink on paper. V&A Museum, London. Photo Wikimedia.


Oh, poor boy.
I had some amends to make, didn’t I?

You did. You did quite well. But it was one of the issues you had.

I’m grateful he trusts me.

So, if he’s having some issues again, don’t chop his leg off again to solve the problem.

[Laughs] Okay.

This is not to be taken literally. He might need support at some stage so don’t chop the leg off again. Alright?



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