Beautiful Water pic by Ryan Wilson

Aedgar's voice is written like this

Nerida and KB's voices are written like this


KB: Do you like the sound of the waves and the wind?


KB: It’s windy this time. It wasn’t windy last time we talked.

Yes. It reminds me of places I’ve been before: always windy, raining a lot and cold most of the time.

KB: Where was that?


KB: Oh yes, that’s right, Bristol.

Nerida: [To KB] Aedgar spent some time in a rock in the harbour in Bristol under the sea.

That wasn’t Aedgar.

N: I beg your pardon.

That was me, what you call Aedgar, in a previous lifetime. We were named Bartgrinn then — Druid.

I needed to make a decision. Do I want to come back, or not?

It took several years sitting inside the ocean in the form of a rock. I was under the pier, close to shore, to assure myself that I wouldn’t lose contact with the other world entirely.

N: To the other world? 

The human beings, yes.

Nerida: So you were watching the people going by?



They threw things at me!

N: Disrespectful.

You can’t blame them, they don’t know any better.

They see something, they can’t talk to it, they start throwing things at it.

It’s the nature of these beings.

But they call themselves the top of the evolutionary tree, which we think is not quite how we’d describe them. Their level is very, very much below the top of evolution.

N: Did you have the physical sensations? Did you feel what the rock was feeling when you had your energy in that rock?


"So you felt the water around you?" Pic by Breno Machado

"So you felt the water around you?" Pic by Breno Machado

N: So you felt the water around you —

Everything you can see here on this planet has consciousness, everything. The rocks, the fish or the plants, every thing’s got consciousness.

Except things that are created by the ‘top of evolution’ -- they don’t have consciousness.

You’re sitting there on a concrete block. They have mixed together some things that have consciousness or did have consciousness previously. You have a box of consciousness, say.

You put it in one of these machines that mixes it all up — it’s gone. It doesn’t multiply just because you break it into small pieces. It literally eliminates consciousness.

N: So furniture like this other piece for example -- this beautiful piece of wood somebody’s made into a chair —

It still has consciousness there because that’s how it is grown.

KB: It’s natural.

N: And it’s not been destroyed.


KB: So when we think about it like that, I’ve a question about food. Ethically —

Food, yes.

KB: If everything has consciousness, what, ideally, to save our planet ethically, what should we be doing to ethically eat? Because obviously we have to eat, but —


KB: If we’re eating vegetables which have consciousness and animals and fish, where do you find the balance so you’re not, you’re not being murderous, I guess is the word I’m looking for.

I eat cow and sheep and fish and vegetables.

"I eat cows". Pic by Annie Spratt

"I eat cows". Pic by Annie Spratt

Well, the thing is, these things have consciousness and they do raise energy levels and they are on a path, so to say. It sounds a bit strange if you say that a plant, for example, is on a path to somewhere. Obviously it can’t walk.

We’re talking about a path on an energetic level. They have a purpose. They decide to feed other conscious beings: animals, humans. You know?

Some people say, like our friend [Nerida] that they sacrifice themselves. We wouldn’t call it a sacrifice, because they don’t suffer. They have decided to feed and raise energy levels of other beings, so you shouldn’t feel bad about eating.

The problem with eating is greed. You can eat one piece, for example, of something and you can be satisfied. You don’t need to have ten pieces of something just because you can. That’s not what you should do.

Use the things that have prepared themselves to feed you or the animals and feel good about it. Because the food is there to raise your energy level, to make your mind open, to gain knowledge and learn. They are supporting you.