Photo of bright baby by Zi Jian Lim.


Aedgar's words are written this way.

Nerida's words are written like this.

Fire crackles and knocks in the background.



Oh, familiar sounds. [Whispers] Fire!

I knew you’d like the fire.

Indeed. We haven’t had a fire for a very long time.

Not talking about the fire inside -- talking about the fireplace.

The fire inside a body is always different. Sometimes you need a fireplace to keep the other flames going.



I’ve been learning about the Celtic people.

The Celts?


They got around a bit.

They did.

No place ever good enough to stay.

Nerida laughs.

What makes you laugh about that?

Well, I have a friend who is a little bit like that.

Yes, some of these humans are like that. We remember.

One of the things that interests me about the Celts is that they understood that we are spirit occupying a body and that the spirit can return in another body.

Celtic Wheel of the Sun pendant. Photograph by PHGCOM.

Celtic Wheel of the Sun pendant. Photograph by PHGCOM.

Well, my dear, all the people that lived in this time and before this time, knew about it.
It was not a far-fetched thought. All the people living closely with the environment knew about it. They thrived on that thought. ‘We could come back. We could make this place better.’

‘We could keep working on what we worked on before. Just continue at the stage we left.’

We think it’s only recently that this thought was buried [hands turned down as if tamping down soil].

It was some religious people that made others think this wasn’t the way.

It was easier to handle: the more bad things that have been done by humanity, the more they were hoping not to come back.

‘Let’s get the maximum out of it, right now, because that’s all there is.’ It is a very scary thought -- ‘Let’s put it away!’ -- that you would have to come back; especially when you have abused or misused your environment or other human beings.

It’s the art of not thinking about the after-effects of what you’ve done — not having to deal with the result or the consequences of something that was created.

Just go away — take all the good things and don’t come back when the negativity unfolds.

That’s their dream.

Yes. It is a much easier belief system.

Less responsibility.

Yes. No responsibility. We think they will be hit pretty hard once they find out. ‘Oh, I’m suddenly here again. I thought I got away with it. Now, I’m here, almost in the same place with the situation around me that I was part of creating.’

Do you understand?

I do.

Good. Some of the Celts understood that they would come back.

But some of them moved around a lot, because they created some bad things as well. They thought that by moving geographically away from that place, the consequences of the bad things they did would not follow.

Which worked for one lifetime.

So the Romans —


 — had their slaves, conducted mass executions. I guess it might have been in their interest to believe you only live once.

Of course. Why would you want to think about coming back into the aftermath of that? You could be next. You were lucky, this time around, to be on the side that conducted it. Next time around you might come back on the other side. No-one likes to see themselves as a victim of someone or something else.

Some people do like to pretend that they are victims, because they like to see the responsibility taken off them.

It’s like: ‘I am the victim of this. I am a victim of that. Everybody does bad things to me. None of it is actually my responsibility.’

So, my question was that when some of the Celtic kings and queens were buried, they were buried with lots of beautiful things that they owned in their lifetime —

They achieved. They’ve stolen lots of it, too. They’ve taken these things off other people.

They wanted to come back and start off at the same place they’ve been before, except without the consequences of their actions.

The way they thought was: ‘I accumulated wealth — beautiful things, precious metals, tools.’ And they thought they would pick up at that space again when they come back. And that they would carry all the stuff with them that they collected and accumulated there.

But the stuff that they collected and accumulated — you know, it had a responsibility attached to it. That was the part they did not think about.

Pre-Christian Celtic bracelet from Aurillac, France. Photo by Siren-Com.

Pre-Christian Celtic bracelet from Aurillac, France. Photo by Siren-Com.

They thought about coming back, because they did have some experiences.

Some of them had visions, because they were much more open to these things. But they too, wished they could come back to pick up where they’ve left before, but they didn’t want to pick up the old baggage, the responsibilities.

You could pick any group — it’s not the Celts only. All of them were like that. They had much more developed roots to the spirit world.

So they knew they would come back, except that they did not wanna come back to the responsibilities from last time. The rubbish that they thought they’d left behind —

Mhhm. Including the emotional rubbish — the hurt feelings, the people they caused damage and upset to.


And in reality, I guess, they came back and that was what they came back to. The jewels and the gold were still —


 — buried in the hillside, with their old bones.

Yes, because they were not meant to get it back. It was taken off someone else.

So someone who has no relation to whatever they did to get to that kind of wealth could find it later, as an example of craftsmanship. It’s a historic window into a world that has, you know, passed already.

In every generation in every time human beings have the idea that they are at the top of evolution, and that everyone and everything that was before them was not as good or as developed as they.

So, it’s there to surprise them. Look out! You’re not the crown of evolution. There have been others, hundreds or thousands of years before, that had greater abilities in creating things than you will ever have. You’re not the first one. You are not at the top level of evolution.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time this is misunderstood. It’s like they say: ‘Oh, what a surprise, that they could do this. I might try to sell it for the best price.’

Planning to take it all with them -- winged beetle from Tutamkamen's tomb. Ca.garcia.s

Planning to take it all with them -- winged beetle from Tutamkamen's tomb. Ca.garcia.s

The discovery of these things serve as a reminder. It’s about keeping the new generations humble. But they don’t understand. Do you understand, my dear?

I think I do.

Good. Not one hundred percent.

I’m learning, I’m learning. Slowly.


We saw some news the other day that reminded me of something you told me some years ago.


Yeah. North of Australia in Papua New Guinea there is a proposal to begin something you told me would be attempted — which is mining under the sea. You told me that they will particularly want to mine near the vents.


It is kind of heart-breaking that they did not have someone during that time who is finally evolved enough and has enough power to tell them, ‘You are total idiots. You should not do things if you do not have the level of knowledge to deal with the aftermath.’

It’s the same idea again: ‘We’ve got this one life. Let’s use it. We won’t come back anyway.’

Orifice of Von Damm hydrothermal vent in the Carribean, source of heat, minerals & biodiversity. Photo by NOAA.

Orifice of Von Damm hydrothermal vent in the Carribean, source of heat, minerals & biodiversity. Photo by NOAA.

And guess what? They will end up in the same spot — dealing with fame — not the glittering one. The one with no food.

Because there will be no fish. There will be famine.


Yes. I think they mix it up a bit: fame and famine — very close.

They need to get prepared for lots of suffering.

But it’s like with the, you know, wonderful things the Celts created. It’s about the surprise at what they will find — ‘Look what they’ve done before us, they must’ve been out of their minds. Now we have to handle it.’

And they should realise at some stage: ‘Actually it was us. I was part of that.’

And then they try to leave again as quickly as possible. And, you know what? They will come back to the same mess again, as you would say.

We’re not talking about a holy celebration.

Nerida laughs.

We quite like that it’s got a similar name.

Fire crackles.

Consoling sounds. Yes.