Burnout image by Gerd Altmann.


Aedgar’s words are written like this.

Neddi & Sara’s words are written like this.

Neddi: So, you were saying that this area feels troubled in many ways.


Sara: We’ve had very bad politics here.

Oh yeah. But you’ve had that kind of problem for a very long time. You’re not alone with that problem.

S: True.

It’s that layer of humans that populate this planet at the moment. They all have the same idea. We do not think it’s the right idea.

Everybody tries to adopt someone else’s ideas. They look at them, and they say, ‘Oh yeah, this idea—going well. I might try this, too.’

They should try their own idea—one that’s more suitable for them. For example, you have all these laws.

Laws—like religion—are made to control the masses. The environment has changed, your ‘society’—that you live in—has also changed.

So, it’s not working. People should have a closer look. They would find out that the laws are not working because they did not adapt them early enough.

Some great minds had these ideas a long way back. Today, they would not be considered great minds anymore, because the law does not match the area

Law and War. Allegorical painting by Daniel Gran, 1730. Ceiling of the Austrian National Library.

Law and War. Allegorical painting by Daniel Gran, 1730. Ceiling of the Austrian National Library.

But people still act like this is what we have to follow.

It’s the wrong time.

We don’t like time because it does not exist in our place. It’s something that you made up to meet appointments, to finish ‘goals’ as you might call them here. It’s not ’time’.

You use a measurement to be able to contact other humans in other areas.

But, still, you call it a time: the way you live right now, the way you act, the way you work. And it’s still attached to laws from ideas of not-so-great minds, long, long (I have to use it again) time ago.

How can anyone expect it would still work? Everything around has changed.

They have these old laws of great minds. And all they do, if anything at all, is tiny changes here, tweaking a little bit there. It does not make it work.

It should be changed.

They should have real great minds, different great minds, looking at this, as you would call it, every decade.

Now, it is very far into things. It’s very difficult to make an abrupt change and say, ‘This is all—’ you might call it, yeah, there are some bad words around. ’It’s all like faeces, you know?’ And then, we start new from this point here.

A pile of…cow dung. Photo by Bishnu Sarangi.

A pile of…cow dung. Photo by Bishnu Sarangi.

It’s not working because everybody’s so attached to this long line of bad decisions: according to the law that was made a very, very long time ago.

If you would’ve adjusted it every decade, it would have worked because the environment and the places you live in have changed.

The law hasn’t changed. And they think they collect it and keep it ‘cause it’s such a good thing. And sometimes they add new laws, but they don’t match the old ones. Then if there’s a dispute coming up, some problem, these two don’t meet at the ends [He uses the hands in a linear gesture indicating a lack of continuity or connection]. And then they make wrong decisions.

‘…And then they make wrong decisions.’ Photo from Dublin, Ireland by Giammarco Boscaro.

‘…And then they make wrong decisions.’ Photo from Dublin, Ireland by Giammarco Boscaro.

You need a continuum to be able to learn and make better decisions.

If you always, at some point, revert back to these old laws—because ‘it is written’, as they say in some religions—it won’t work.

There will always be one group that thinks they have to control the rest of them—all the other humans around. They should work together.

I mean, in this area and other areas, they’re talking about peace all over the world. They can’t even keep peace in their own area. Why do they think they are so far ahead and so intelligent?

You know they’re actually not. These are younger souls who are less intelligent that strive to get into these positions, so that they can gain control without having the knowledge to do so.

‘They gain control without having the knowledge to do so.’ Money pic by Broneslav Udobniy.

‘They gain control without having the knowledge to do so.’ Money pic by Broneslav Udobniy.

They think they will go to the top, as they call it, very fast, and have control. And they think they’ve made it. They think they’ve learned everything there is to learn in this lifetime and they don’t know that they took a shortcut. It does not work.

They have to come back and do it all over again because this is not how it’s supposed to be.

Humans are made to learn, though. So, we don’t care, as long as they learn at some point. It might be in a hundred lives from now.

I know that doesn’t give much hope. But, we can tell you, there is still hope. That’s why we are trying to help. If we thought there was no hope, we would not talk.

S: Hm. Well, that’s wonderful to hear, that there is hope. Because it feels like a very hopeless time for so many people.

Well, it is. The problem is the ones that think they can bring peace here, peace there and over there more peace.

They can’t keep peace in their old and own place with their old laws. It’s not gonna work.

They have to find out how to make peace in their own area. And once they have that—as you might say—sorted out, they can try to help, you know, the next neighbour. Like, the ones that happen to live next door—and not on the other side of the world.

‘Peace-keeping force.’ Photo from France by ev.

‘Peace-keeping force.’ Photo from France by ev.

Because on the other side of the world there might be other minds who were not so brilliant back then, either, who made different laws, that they think are their own laws. And everybody has to follow them.

If these collide, the laws of here and the laws of there, and in each area the laws don’t work, there will be big trouble.

There always has been.


There is always a way out of it.

The planet shakes some populations off and then they come back and try in a different place—trying to start again, to learn from a different perspective.


When people say we need to save the planet, start in a small area. Don’t think you can fix the whole thing.

Many brilliant minds starting in different places and then working towards each other—that would be a solution.

But we’re not talking, in what you call the time, about a few years. That might take two generations.

S: Yeah.

But the work needs to start. And that’s the hope—it has started in some areas already.

Local produce for local people’s health. Photo by Brigitte Wagner.

Local produce for local people’s health. Photo by Brigitte Wagner.

It’s just those ones that, you know, take the short cuts to the top very quickly, and say, ‘I know it all. I’ll tell these ones what to do.’ They consider these other ones as not-so-bright, while it’s actually the other way around (but they would never confess it).

So you understand about the problems? Of the area and some other areas here?

N: Do you understand what he’s saying?

Or did we lose you somewhere on the way?

S: I think I followed you, mostly.

Thank you.

S: Thank you. I wonder, if I might ask, because you have such a long perspective: Do you think our time, the one that we, Nerida and I live in, is actually worse than other times? Is our generation more selfish, more thoughtless than other generations?

There were always quite a few, quite big groups, that were rather selfish. Always.

Because they have to get over their selfishness.

But there would have been different ways to do so than to try to be really selfish and go to the top, to make decisions for so many others.

That hurts those others who are not there to learn about selfishness. They have to learn about compassion or other things.

S: The ones who are not there to learn about selfishness? They have to learn about compassion?

Compassion, or, you know, how do I grow the wisdom that I have?

But it is mainly about compassion.

So, then there is that one who learns about selfishness, who should be on the same level as the one learning about compassion, but the selfish ones are above.

People who have to learn about compassion think, ‘Oh, yes, give us more of it so that we can learn more of it.’ But if you learn more of it, it does not make you more compassionate.

Normally, you learn something—becoming compassionate makes people think and feel in a different way.

It’s not that the more suffering I see, the more compassionate I am. Because then being compassionate turns over into, ‘I can’t take it anymore. I have seen too much of it.’ They’re there to learn compassion, that’s their main job in that lifetime.

But if they have learned it and then they get too much of it, then there is desperation. Which kind of erases part of the compassion again.

It’s not that the more you have of it, the better you get. You would need to add something different, that supports the compassion, which is not selfishness.

Too much of a good thing is too much. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon.

Too much of a good thing is too much. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon.

Well, it can be a little bit of selfishness. You know, if you’ve been asked to be more compassionate, witness the suffering around you, if you don’t have that tiny bit of selfishness you can’t be compassionate.

In contrast, there are others that come to learn one thing, which is selfishness. They challenge the others.

This has happened in many generations before.

Souls come to learn things. Some souls are capable of learning more than one thing.

Others say, ‘This is my goal. I’m gonna learn that one thing.’ And then there is someone who gets in the way.

Having more of something doesn’t make it better.

If you have more of the paper with the numbers on it—that thing that you need to get around here (and all the other parts)—it does not make you happier or fill you up more.

If you learn compassion and then have more of it, you won’t feel happier, you won’t be more complete.

If you have too much of something it will turn into the opposite.

If you have a small dose of a herb, it’s good for you. You have too much of it, it’s gonna kill you.

You have too much happiness that’s not balanced, you’ll be considered mad. They’ll lock you up somewhere. ‘That can’t be. We call it a disease. We put a tag on it, with a name. That’s what you are.’ Because the others around would suffer more seeing someone having so much happiness.

So it’s never good to have too much of something, not even compassion. You understand?

S: Mhmm.

N: Ya.

You need to be able to have all of it. Learn something about it. Have some experiences, but not too much. Because that’s not gonna work.

If you have wine, for example or ale, for that matter—it has always been a wonderful thing.

You get too much of it, it makes you sick. You get headaches, your body starts revolting against it.

That happens with feelings—passion, compassion, with everything.

It’s not the things you have, it’s about how much you have of it. That makes it good or bad.

You do have more souls returning to places that have been more sustainable in all these ways. People would call them more intelligent for that, because they use things in measure.

There are people who live in the jungle, for example, in the Americas, not in this part—you know, South.

Amazon River and Rainforest. Photo in the Public Domain from NASA.

Amazon River and Rainforest. Photo in the Public Domain from NASA.

They live in the jungle. They have not had much contact with people like you, for example and with all the things that you’ve developed. But they’re living happy and healthy lives, just the level of health, happiness and for example, food and other things, that they need. They’re the ones that you should watch, to learn.

But people with selfishness or the low intelligence are on top there, that make decisions to make them go away. They say, ‘They’re less human than we are.’ It’s the opposite.

I’m not telling anyone to go back and live in a cave. Just be more moderate.

Be more selective about things you need more of, or you want to learn more of, or you wanna eat or drink more of, or you wanna talk more about, or things you wanna act more on. Things that you wanna change or don’t wanna change.

Like, you don’t wanna change too much of cultures that would sustain people.

You follow your feelings, what you feel and what you think is good.

People say you follow your heart. We say it’s just a pump for liquids through the body. It’s not where love lives, or compassion, or where your path lies that you’re led on, or that you decide to take or not to take.

It’s about making decisions—and not making a decision to go in a direction just because most of the humans go in that direction.
