Portrait of a model with soulful eyes by Eli DeFaria.


Aedgar's words are written this way.

Mireille and Nerida's words are written like this.

[To Mireille] Hmmm. You have been here before, quite close to this area. Mountain range, south west of here.

Mireille:  Southwest.

Male, three wives. Several children with each of the three wives. You were very well respected, leading other men to go out hunting. Sometimes stealing girls from other tribes. You had the understanding that even if you liked some girls of your own tribe a lot (and even they were tempting) that it wasn’t good to take them as wives. So you went further west to get girls, to provide the young hunters with wives. You were quite forward-thinking.

Some people thought you were crazy. Because you wanted to cross a very arid region to look for girls. But what you did was in the best interests of the tribe.

They just couldn’t understand: if you have everything you need around, why would you need to cross that dangerous country? It was quite dry. There were lots of animals around that were fairly big, with sharp teeth. They’re not around anymore. You will have some relatives of this animal still around.

You knew they were good to eat, but there was always a risk of dying when you tried to hunt them because they were very fast. If you tried to throw the spear and use the spear, you had one chance. It was either you or the animal. You did quite well in that respect.

Nerida:  Where they reptiles or cats?

Mireille:  Sounds like cats.

Marsupials. Very big marsupials.

N:  Interesting.

M:  Must’ve been a long time ago.

N:  Tens of thousands of years, maybe even a hundred thousand years.

Eighty. Around eighty-thousand years ago.

Skull of Thylacoleo Carnifex, the Marsupial Lion. Widespread in Australia in the Pleistocene Era, up to 40,000 years ago. Photo by Beclectic.

Skull of Thylacoleo Carnifex, the Marsupial Lion. Widespread in Australia in the Pleistocene Era, up to 40,000 years ago. Photo by Beclectic.

Mireille:  So I’ve had lots and lots of lives?

Quite a few. Between that one that I mentioned and the next one, there was a while when you took a break. You enjoyed watching what was going on around you without participating personally. And you were not ready to come back for a long time. It was very enjoyable to watch things and you learned from it.

As you know, it’s all about learning, to gain the knowledge to grow and expand your energy and the energy of the place you’re in or you’re going to be.

You might not have come back until the 1400s in the Americas. One of the islands to the east, towards the sunrise, in the northern part of the Americas.

N:  In the Carribean?

Cold, it was much colder.

N:  Around the Canadian islands?

Quite a big island.

N:  Nova Scotia, perhaps.

M:  Maybe that’s why I have a fascination, why I want to go there.

You were married. Or, not as you would say married, back then, you belonged — to a fisherman. You had a very nice relationship with this fisherman.

M: Imagine me being with a fisherman. They stink too much! That’s probably why I don’t like seafood now. [Laughs]

Probably. It was quite hard at times. You used to make holes in the ice to fish. There were quite a few predators around there too. Big teeth, big claws, white fur.

M: [Whispers] Polar bears.

Polar bear eating a walrus. It was not his intention to hunt them. Pic by Smiley.toerist via Wiki.

Polar bear eating a walrus. It was not his intention to hunt them. Pic by Smiley.toerist via Wiki.

The fur made for nice clothes. The man you lived with was quite good at hunting as well. It wasn’t the main thing he did. The main thing was fishing.

He killed quite a few of these big white furry things, but it was not his intention to hunt them. It was more like self-defence.

You always tried to swap the fish, because there was too much of it around, you thought. You tried to swap it for other kinds of meats or arrows.

You had a very loving relationship with that fisherman. You had a little boy.

[Sigh] The little boy fell in one of the holes in the ice. He just disappeared from one second to the next.

You never forgave that man.

You moved, by yourself, to a different area. They only used you, in that different area, to do the kind of work they didn’t want to do themselves. They thought they could do it because you were from somewhere else, anyway.

You had thoughts at times that you should have stayed in that loving relationship. You had some insight that not everything bad that happens is done on purpose, or is someone’s fault. Some things just happen.

Because even a little child could make a decision to use an exit. They had taught enough or they had experienced and learned enough themselves to go on and do something different.

You still do a little bit of learning about these things: that there are occasions where things happen and it’s no one’s fault. It’s someone’s decision to leave. You know what we mean when we say leave? Or using an exit?

M: Yep, I do.

Good. So you got much better at it, but there is still a little bit of that, that you brought over through probably sixty or close to seventy, lifetimes.

You’re now at a point where you could let go of that. You’ll have a much more pleasurable life if you could let go of it.

It’s not that it’s there all the time. It’s not that you get shown it all the time. We can just sense that it’s somewhere in the back of your head, that when things happen, someone should be there to prevent it happening, someone should be able to rescue and save everything and everyone.

Sometimes there is a decision made, by children, by grown-ups, by animals or plants, that they want to leave. It’s a decision they made and no one can change it.

No one is asking for help to be able to stay, because they don’t need to stay. This was one of the big themes going through your lifetimes. It occurred quite a lot.

We think you have a very good chance now, to say, if something happens, that it was supposed to happen because someone made a decision or some thing made a decision. It doesn’t have to be a child or person or an animal anymore.

If you have a plant, you take care of it, you give it the best you can — the perfect environment, the perfect kind of fertilizer. The plant might still decide to go because it feels, 'I’ve shown you all the beauty I wanted to show you. You’ve learned to take care of me. You will know how to do it again, with a different plant, but I need to do something else now, I need to move on.'

Because everything around you has consciousness. Do you understand, my dear?

M: I think so.

Good. You will have a much happier and freer life and it’s coming up. You have a lot of, you might call it, happiness (we might call it pleasure) ahead of you.

M: That’s good. As long as I succeed and am happy, that’s the main thing.

As long as you learn. Grow your knowledge, because that will raise your own energy and the energy of the environment you’re in. This is what it’s all about.

It’s not about the paper with the numbers on it.

It’s not about rescuing someone or something that has made a decision already — you won’t be able to change it.

M: Mmmm.

You can try. We are sure you still will try. But it will much easier for you to understand that there is not always a way to do so—and if something happens, it was meant to be that way.