Photo by Drew Graham.


Aedgar’s words are written this way.

Nerida, Connie and her friend Laurie’s words are written this way.

N: Hi. Do you have a question?

C: I’m not sure I have a question. I mean I have a lot of questions. But I think I would best be served by hearing what I need.

What would be the most important thing for me to pay attention to, or a message that would help me right now in the present, which would be in the next couple of months.

So, your question is about a message that would help you within—?

C: Yes, an important message to me that would be the most helpful for myself and the greater good.


Focus on what you really want. You’re thinking about the right things. Photo by Nadia Valkouskaya.

Focus on what you really want. You’re thinking about the right things. Photo by Nadia Valkouskaya.

Focus on what you really want. Try to clear your mind of all the things you don’t need right now and put the effort into what you’re planning to do.

This will be quite straightforward.

You don’t have to work too hard--because then we would say that’s not for you.

Focus on what you’re doing and put—not all of your energy because then you’d have none left for yourself—but a lot of it into what you’re going to do and what you’re doing.

You’re doing the right thing.

You’re thinking about the right things.

Try to focus more.

C: Focus more?

Yes. You’re getting bit distracted, at times.

You understand?

C: Yeah, I do understand. And my heart?

L: Someone coming into your life?

C: Yeah.

L: [Laughing] You can be more direct.


C: My heart, my heart landing and, you know, finding someone.

N: You’re looking for love, my dear? Aah. I thought you had an arrhythmic heart or something.

They laugh.

C: No.

You focus.

You put your energy into where you wanna be, which will make you feel happy.

If you feel happy, that’s what you’re going to radiate. And you will attract the right person.

You will find that person after you have achieved what you are planning and focusing on.

Afterwards—because it will change your attitude—you’ll radiate happiness.

That’s what people are attracted to.

If you look right now it will be a distraction from what you want to achieve. You don’t need this at the moment. And you would attract someone that you don’t want.

C: Mhmm.

You always attract what you radiate.

If you’re looking for—what I think they call here—a trophy partner, you will attract someone that will use you as a trophy as well.

C: [Quietly] Hmm. That’s never happened.


Lucky you! That’s not what you want.

As I said before, you will find that person after you’ve achieved what you set out to do.

If you relate to the heart—we think it’s just a suction pump to get the liquids through the body—this is not where love lives.

It makes it romantic and it looks nice, we know, but we don’t quite relate to that.

You’re going to feel wonderful. We can sense it.

You’re going to feel wonderful. We can sense it. Photo by Aron Visuals.

You’re going to feel wonderful. We can sense it. Photo by Aron Visuals.

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