Man relaxing in a tree photograph by Rob Mullaly.


Nerida’s words are written this way

Bartgrinn’s words are written like this.

Tell people to slow down; to think things through before they act. Just slow down. Try to observe what’s going on around you.

Filter all the noise out that’s not supposed to be there.

And try to concentrate on what might be useful to gain more knowledge, rather than stealing other people’s knowledge or copying other people’s knowledge—without having it yourself.

People put out…texts. They’re like poems, ‘wisdom’. They think, ‘Oh, that makes me sound intelligent. Or deep. Or spiritual.’ But copying this from somewhere else doesn’t make you that.

Go, try find things for yourself.

It might be very different because you see things with different eyes.

Everybody sees things with different eyes. Each has a different spin on something.

So, if you just copy something, or think, ‘These people, they all have the right idea. I’m attaching myself to them’; especially if a group is too big and you can’t actually interact with them and exchange knowledge, exchange thoughts on an individual level—you won’t learn anything.

You won’t get to say what you think.

If a group is too big you just drown in it. There are lots of people who may be not so bright. They just hide in the group.

(Maybe you should not tell this to people).

Oh, but I will.

They might not understand.

Some people have great ideas. They actually do. But then they force others to believe that, yep, they have a great idea. It stops those other people from having great ideas on their own.

Many great ideas from different minds, different points of view, can create something huge.

Many people just copying that one great idea—that’s a one-way path. And it’s not the path these people were on. It’s not constructive.

Interesting. So, your ideas need to flow from your individual experience, your individual learning?

Yes. And then you can have an exchange with others. And then you might change things a little bit. That makes it greater.

It’s pushing someone a bit, ‘Hey, take that tiny part a little bit further, in your great idea.’

It might change the outcome.

Rather than someone saying, ‘Oh well, I’m having a great idea. Everybody else agrees.’

And then there is this great idea out there and no one acts on it.

Mmm. It needs to be a dynamic process.

‘It can grow really tall…because it’s got the base, the standing.’ Photo from Switzerland by Jan’s Archive.

‘It can grow really tall…because it’s got the base, the standing.’ Photo from Switzerland by Jan’s Archive.

It needs to be dynamic. Otherwise it’s like a tree without roots. You know, the idea needs to come from different directions, it needs to be added to, it needs to be shared. You need to discuss things. There must be different points of view.

That would make the roots for that tree. It can grow really tall and have huge branches reaching everywhere because it’s got the base, the standing.

Maybe there’s that great idea and everybody says, ‘Oh yeah, that’s it!’ But it started from one, sole idea. (There was a lack of this: ‘I have a different angle. Did you think of looking at that?’ and ‘Oh, yeah, we have to change that a bit.’)

So, you’ll get that huge tree trunk with the branches on top. It’s a great idea. It’s a huge tree. The branches start to reach out—and then it just falls over because there are no roots to hold it up. Do you understand?

I do. It’s a beautiful analogy.

Thank you. We have lots of beautiful thoughts. But they’re just meant to give someone an idea and take it further. We would never give you the whole thing all laid out and you just put the pieces together because everything’s there for you.

You need to be able to grow. To gain that knowledge. To have more energy. You need to add you own things here and there to make it work.



I do have one more question.


A new technology has been launched into space recently. It was a package of folded up satellites which unfolded to make a row, like a train of satellites.

That sounds interesting. There are no tracks up there for a train.

Well, if they’re supposed to be in one line and the first one has a problem, or the second, all the others crash into each other, don’t they?

Starlink satellites launched May 24, 2019. Photo by Starlink Mission.

Starlink satellites launched May 24, 2019. Photo by Starlink Mission.

That’s a happy thought.

Oh, we’re not sure that it’s a happy thought. It would increase the rubbish that’s up there. And there is already a lot of rubbish.

So, there is quite a risk of the first one crashing into something and then they all follow. If you have a long line and they all move at the same speed, if the first one stops abruptly, all the others can’t stop.

We don’t think that there is a technology to perceive that the distance is getting smaller, ‘I have to put brakes on’. Because it’s a different atmosphere.

They might have done some little tests here and there.

But they’re missing something.

I needed you to say that. Thank you.

There is always something missing. It’s an expensive dream that could turn into a nightmare quickly.

Is there anything else?

I can see that the body is tired. I appreciate very much our rich conversation. I’d better let you go, I think.

Oh. So no more questions?

Oh, many more questions, always. Please come back.

Oh, we always come back. You’re welcome. So, we talk to you another time.

Absolutely. It’s a delight to see you, my dear.

It’s all on my side. Say thank you.

Pause. Mari comes out of trance.
